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Jemima Mellerio

After a number of years of orthopaedic problems and surgeries, I started training with Alex 12 months ago. The change in my body, strength and psyche in that time has been far beyond my expectations of what personal training could offer. Today, after twice weekly sessions with Alex, I feel stronger, fitter and more resilient than I have for years. I have found previous attempts to stick at fitness regimens have floundered under my own steam, but now, under Alex's expert guidance, I have a framework that gives me consistent results and the discipline to persevere to achieve my goals.

In our sessions, Alex challenges me and motivates in equal measure; I have been surprised and delighted with what I have achieved. He is always sensitive to and aware of any injury issues and plans sessions accordingly. Our sessions are always evolving, never dull or repetitive and, most importantly, are always fun. Alex is a professional, smart and motivational PT who I can't recommend highly enough.



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